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《天堂与地狱》 第514节





514. 凡在教导场所的人都分开居住; 因为就其内层而言, 每个人都与他即将进入的天堂社群相联; 由于天堂社群照天堂的形式被排列(参看200-212节), 所以施教的场所也照此形式被排列. 因此, 当从天堂观看这些场所时, 它们看似一个较小形式的天堂. 在长度上, 它们从东延到西; 在宽度上, 它们从南延到北; 但宽度看似小于长度. 总体排列如下: 在前的是那些童年时死去, 在天堂被抚养至青年早期的人; 这些人在与那些负责照看他们的人度过其婴儿状态后, 就被主带到这里接受教导. 在他们后面的, 是那些成年后死去, 在世时拥有对源于生活良善的真理情感之人接受教导的地方. 在这些人后面的, 是那些在世时信奉伊斯兰教, 过着一种道德生活并承认一位神性, 视主为真正先知的人. 当他们因穆罕默德不能给予他们任何帮助而放弃他时, 便转向主, 敬拜祂并承认祂的神性; 那时, 他们接受基督教的教导. 在这些人后面, 再往北是各非基督徒接受教导的地方, 他们在世时照其宗教信仰过着一种良善的生活, 由此获得一种良心, 并且行事公正, 诚实非因其国家的法律, 乃因其宗教律法; 他们相信这些律法是神圣的, 绝不可因他们的行为而遭到侵犯. 当这些人接受教导时, 他们很容易被引导承认主, 因为他们发自内心认为神并非不可见, 而是以人的形式可见. 这些人数量超过其他所有人, 其中最好的来自非洲.



514. 領受教導之靈住在不同的地方。就個體而言, 他們的靈與將要前往的天國社群相聯, 因此天國的社群既是照天國的形態分佈, 施教的場所自然也是照此分佈。從天國俯視這些場所, 它們看似一個小型的天國。在橫向上, 它們從東延伸至西;在縱向上, 它們從南延伸至北。縱向的廣度看似小於橫向的廣度。

大體的分佈如下:在前的是幼年夭折的孩子, 女性的幼師陪伴他們度過童年後,

就被主帶到這裡受教。位於其後的是死于成年, 在世時曾過善良的生活, 因而熱愛真理的人。

再其後的靈在世時信奉伊斯蘭教, 且過著道德的生活, 承認一位上帝, 奉主為特別的先知。他們放棄穆罕默德以後(因他不能給予任何幫助), 便轉向主, 崇拜主, 承認祂的神性, 然後受教於基督徒信仰。

再往北, 位於其後的是非基督徒, 他們在世時曾照各自的信仰過善良的生活, 憑良心, 照公平誠實行事, 不是因為懼怕國家的法律, 而是為了遵守信仰的法則。他們相信這些法則是神聖的, 不可以任何方式去違犯。領受教導時, 他們都樂意認識主, 因為在他們心目中, 上帝不是不可見的, 而是可以顯現為人的。他們的數目最多, 其中佼佼者出自非洲。

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Heaven and Hell #514 (NCE, 2000)

514. The people who are at these instructional sites live in different places. As individuals, they are inwardly in touch with the communities of heaven they are headed for; so since heaven's communities are arranged in a heavenly form (see above, 200-212), so too are the places where the teaching takes place. As a result, when you look at these sites from heaven, they look like a heaven in lesser form. In length they stretch from east to west, and in breadth from south to north; but the breadth seems to be less than the length.

The general arrangement is like this. Toward the front are people who have died in childhood and are being educated in heaven up to the age of early adolescence. After having spent their infancy with women educators, they are brought to this location by the Lord and taught.

Behind them are the places where people are taught who died as adults and who in the world were drawn to truth because of the goodness of their lives.

Behind these again are people who were devoted to Islam and had led a moral life in the world, acknowledged one God, and recognized the Lord as the essential prophet. When they let go of Muhammad because he cannot do anything for them, they turn to the Lord and worship him, recognizing his divine nature; and then they receive instruction in the Christian religion.

Behind these, and farther to the north, there are sites for the instruction of various non-Christian people who in the world lived good lives in accord with their own religion, acquired a kind of conscience, and behaved fairly and honestly not because of the laws of their nation but because of the laws of their religion, believing these laws to be holy and not to be violated by their actions in any way. All of them are readily led to recognize the Lord when they have been taught, because at heart they have held that God is not invisible but visible in human form. There are more of these than of any other kind, and the best of them are from Africa.


Heaven and Hell #514 (Harley, 1958)

514. All who are in places of instruction dwell separately from one another; for individuals are connected as to their interiors with that society of heaven into which they are about to come; thus as the societies of heaven are arranged in accord with the heavenly form (see above, 200-212), so are the places there where instruction is given; and for this reason, when those places are viewed from heaven something like a heaven in a smaller form is seen. They are spread out in length from east to west, and in breadth from south to north; but the breadth appears to be less than the length. The arrangement in general is as follows. In front are those who died in childhood and have been brought up in heaven to the age of early youth; these, after passing the state of their infancy with their instructresses, are brought hither by the Lord and instructed. Behind these are the places where those are instructed who died in adult age, and who in the world were in the affection of truth derived from good of life. Again, behind these are those who in the world were connected with the Mohammedan religion, and lived a moral life and acknowledged one Divine, and the Lord as the very Prophet. When these withdraw from Mohammed, because he can give them no help, they approach the Lord and worship Him and acknowledge His Divinity, and they are then instructed in the Christian religion. Behind these, more to the north, are the places of instruction of various heathen nations who in the world have lived a good life in conformity with their religion, and have thereby acquired a kind of conscience, and have done what is just and right not so much on account of the laws of their government, as on account of the laws of religion, which they believed ought to be sacredly observed, and in no way violated by their doings. When these have been taught they are all easily led to acknowledge the Lord, because it is impressed on their hearts that God is not invisible, but is visible under a human form. These in number exceed all the rest, and the best of them are from Africa.


Heaven and Hell #514 (Ager, 1900)

514. All who are in places of instruction dwell apart; for each one is connected in regard to his interiors with that society of heaven which he is about to enter; thus as the societies of heaven are arranged in accord with the heavenly form (see above, (Heaven and Hell 200-212) 200-212), so are the places there where instruction is given; and for this reason when those places are viewed from heaven something like a heaven in a smaller form is seen. They are spread out in length from east to west, and in breadth from south to north; but the breadth appears to be less than the length. The arrangement in general is as follows. In front are those who died in childhood and have been brought up in heaven to the age of early youth; these after passing the state of their infancy with those having charge of them, are brought hither by the Lord and instructed. Behind these are the places where those are taught who died in adult age, and who in the world had an affection for truth derived from good of life. Again, behind these are those who in the world were connected with the Mohammedan religion, and lived a moral life and acknowledged one Divine, and the Lord as the very Prophet. When these withdraw from Mohammed, because he can give them no help, they approach the Lord and worship Him and acknowledge His Divinity, and they are then instructed in the Christian religion. Behind these more to the north are the places of instruction of various heathen nations who in the world have lived a good life in conformity with their religion, and have thereby acquired a kind of conscience, and have done what is just and right not so much from a regard to the laws of their government, as from a regard to the laws of religion, which they believed ought to be sacredly observed, and in no way violated by their doings. When these have been taught they are all easily led to acknowledge the Lord, because it is impressed on their hearts that God is not invisible, but is visible under a human form. These in number exceed all the rest, and the best of them are from Africa.


De Coelo et de Inferno #514 (original Latin)

514. Omnes, qui in locis instructionis sunt, inter se distincte habitant; singuli enim quoad interiora sua alligati sunt societatibus caeli ad quas venturi sunt quapropter quia societates caeli ordinatae sunt secundum formam caelestem, (videatur supra, 200-212,) ita quoque loca ubi instructiones fiunt: quare cum illa loca e caelo inspiciuntur, apparet ibi sicut caelum in minore forma. Se extendunt ibi in longum ab oriente ad occidentem, et in latum a meridie ad septentrionem; sed latitudo minor est quam longitudo ad apparentiam. Ordinationes in genere sunt tales:- Anterius sunt illi qui infantes mortui sunt, et ad aetatem primam adolescentem educati sunt in caelo; qui post infantiae eorum statum apud educatrices, illuc a Domino feruntur et instruuntur. Post illos sunt loca ubi instruuntur qui adulti mortui sunt, et qui in mundo in affectione veri ex bono vitae fuerunt. Post illos autem sunt qui Mahumedanae religioni addicti fuerunt, et in mundo moralem vitam egerunt, ac agnoverunt unum Divinum, et Dominum ut Ipsum prophetam; qui cum recedunt a Mahumede, quia nihil opis ferre potest, accedunt ad Dominum, et Ipsum colunt, et Divinum Ipsius agnoscunt, et tunc instruuntur in religione Christiana. Post hos, magis ad septentrionem sunt loca instructionis variarum Gentium, quae in mundo bonam vitam religioni suae conformem vixerunt, et speciem conscientiae inde traxerunt, ac justum et rectum egerunt, non ita propter leges regiminis eorum, sed propter leges religionis, quas crediderunt sancte observandas, ac nullo modo factis violandas: omnes hi ad agnoscendum Dominum, quando instructi sunt, perducuntur facile, quia corde gerunt quod Deus non invisibilis sit, sed visibilis sub Humana forma hi reliquos numero excedunt; illorum optimi sunt ex Africa.

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