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《天堂与地狱》 第511节





511. 在第二个状态下, 恶灵开始与善灵分离, 因为在第一个状态, 他们混在一起. 原因在于, 只要灵人处于其外层, 他便如同在世上一般, 因而恶人与善人在一起, 善人与恶人在一起. 当他被带入其内层, 任由自己的本性或意愿时, 情况就不同了. 恶灵与善灵通过各种方式实现分离, 一般通过被带到他们在第一个状态下凭其良善的思维和情感而与之相联的那些社群, 因而被带到那些因外在表象而误以为他们并不邪恶的社群那里. 通常, 他们会被引领绕一个大圈, 所到之处, 他们的内在品质都被展示给善灵. 一看到它们, 善灵便转身离开; 与此同时, 被四处引领的恶灵也转身离开, 面向他们的地狱社群, 也就是他们的目的地. 其它分离方式还有很多, 我就不提了.



511. 進入第二個狀態以後, 惡靈開始從善靈中被分別出來。但在第一個狀態下, 兩者還是混在一起的, 因為一個靈處於外在狀態時與在世上的狀態相仿, 因而善靈與惡靈, 惡靈與善靈可一同相處。等到被帶入內在的狀態, 盡顯各自的秉性或意志以後, 情況就不同了。

惡靈從善靈中分離出來, 方式有很多。通常, 他們會被帶到其在第一個狀態下因善的思想與情感而發生聯繫的相關社群。這些社群曾被表面現象所蒙, 以為他們不是惡人。通常, 他們會繞一大圈, 直至其真實的秉性在善靈面前顯露出來。於是, 善靈一看到他們, 便轉身離去。同時, 惡靈也會離開, 趨向其所樂意的地獄般的社群。此外, 分離的方式還有很多, 我就不提了。

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Heaven and Hell #511 (NCE, 2000)

511. The separation of evil spirits from good spirits takes place in this second state, since in the first state they were all together. The reason is that as long as spirits are focused on their outward concerns it is like the situation in the world - evil people together with good ones and good ones with evil ones. It is different when people have been brought into their inner natures and are left to their own nature or intentions.

There are various means used for this separation of good people from evil ones. Often it is by having them led around to the communities they had been in touch with through their good thoughts and affections during the first state. This brings them to communities they had misled by outward appearance into believing that they were not evil. Often they are led around through a great arc, and their intrinsic quality is displayed to good spirits everywhere. The good spirits turn away as soon as they see them; and as they turn away, so the evil spirits who are being led around turn away as well, facing the hellish community that is their destination. I forbear to mention other modes of separation; there are many of them.


Heaven and Hell #511 (Harley, 1958)

511. In this second state the separation of evil spirits from good spirits takes place. For in the first state they are together, since while a spirit is in his exteriors he is as he was in the world, thus the evil with the good and the good with the evil; but it is otherwise when he has been brought into his interiors and left to his own nature or will. The separation of evil spirits from good spirits is effected by various methods; in general, by their being taken about to those societies with which in their first state they had communication by means of their good thoughts and affections, thus to those societies that they had induced to believe by outward appearances that they were not evil. Usually, they are led about through a wide circle, and everywhere what they really are is made manifest to good spirits. At the sight of them the good spirits turn away; and at the same time the evil spirits who are being led about turn their faces away from the good towards that quarter where their infernal society is, into which they are about to come. Other methods of separation, which are many, will not now be mentioned.


Heaven and Hell #511 (Ager, 1900)

511. In this second state the separation of evil spirits from good spirits takes place. For in the first state they are together, since while a spirit is in his exteriors he is as he was in the world, thus the evil with the good and the good with the evil; but it is otherwise when he has been brought into his interiors and left to his own nature or will. The separation of evil spirits from good spirits is effected by various means; in general by their being taken about to those societies with which in their first state they had communication by means of their good thoughts and affections, thus to those societies that they had induced to believe by outward appearances that they were not evil. Usually they are led about through a wide circle, and everywhere what they really are is made manifest to good spirits. At the sight of them the good spirits turn away; and at the same time the evil spirits who are being led about turn their faces away from the good towards that quarter where their infernal society is, into which they are about to come. Other methods of separation, which are many, will not now be mentioned.


De Coelo et de Inferno #511 (original Latin)

511. Separatio malorum spirituum a bonis spiritibus fit in secundo hoc statu, nam in primo statu simul sunt quoniam dum spiritus est in exterioribus suis, est sicut fuit in mundo, ita sicut malus cum bono ibi, ac bonus cum malo: aliter cum est in interiora sua illatus, ac relictus suae naturae seu voluntati. Separatio bonorum a malis fit variis modis communiter per circumlationes ad illas societates, cum quibus communicatio fuerat per cogitationes et affectiones bonas in primo statu et sic ad illas quas induxerunt credere per externas species, quod non mali essent. Ut plurimum circumferri solent per latum orbem, et ubivis ostendi spiritibus bonis, quales sunt in se: ad aspectum eorum tunc boni spiritus se avertunt, et sicut illi se avertunt, ita quoque mali spiritus, qui circumferuntur, avertuntur facie ab illis, ad plagam, ubi societas eorum infernalis est, in quam venturi. Ut taceam alios separationis modos, qui plures sunt.

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