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《天堂与地狱》 第498节






498. 人死后的这第一个状态所持续的时间因人而异, 有的持续几天, 有的持续几个月, 有的持续一年, 但很少超过一年. 各人时间的长短取决于其内层与外层一致或不一致的程度. 因为无论是谁, 其外层与内层必须行如一体, 相互对应. 在灵界, 谁也不许所思所愿是一套, 所言所行是另一套. 每个人都必须是他自己的情感或爱的一个形像, 这意味着他内在如何, 外在必如何. 这就是为何灵的外层首先被揭开, 重新组织, 以便它们作为相对应的层面而服务于内层.



498. 第一個狀態所持續的時間因人而異, 有的幾天, 有的幾月, 有的一年, 但幾乎沒有超過一年的, 取決於各人表裡一致的程度。表裡必須協作如一, 互相呼應。在靈界, 誰也不許想法和意志是一套, 言語和行動是另一套。那裡的每一位將是自己情感與欲望的形像, 以致於內在的情感和欲望如何, 外在的表現也如何。正因如此, 外在的必先被揭露, 使其歸入次序, 作啟對應的平臺來服務內在。

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Heaven and Hell #498 (NCE, 2000)

498. This first state after death lasts a few days for some people, months for some, and a year for some, but rarely more than a year for anyone. The difference for particular individuals depends on the harmony or discord between their inner and outer natures. These inner and outer natures must act as one and correspond for everyone. No one is allowed to think and intend one way and speak and act another way in the spiritual world. Everyone must be an image of his or her affection or love, which means we must be outwardly what we are inwardly. This is why the outer concerns of a spirit are first stripped off and brought into order: so that they may serve as a plane responsive to the inner ones.


Heaven and Hell #498 (Harley, 1958)

498. This first state of man after death continues with some for days, with some for months, and with some for a year; but seldom with anyone beyond a year; for a shorter or longer time with each one differently in accordance with the agreement or disagreement of his interiors with his exteriors. For with everyone the exteriors and interiors must make one and correspond. In the spiritual world no one is permitted to think and will in one way and speak and act in another. Everyone there will be an image of his own affection or his own love, and therefore such as he is interiorly, such he will be exteriorly; and for this reason a spirit's exteriors are first disclosed and reduced to order that they may serve the interiors as a corresponding plane.


Heaven and Hell #498 (Ager, 1900)

498. This first state of man after death continues with some for days, with some for months, and with some for a year; but seldom with any one beyond a year; for a shorter or longer time with each one according to the agreement or disagreement of his interiors with his exteriors. For with everyone the exteriors and interior must make one and correspond. In the spiritual world no one is permitted to think and will in one way and speak and act in another. Everyone there must be an image of his own affection or his own love, and therefore such as he is inwardly such he must be outwardly; and for this reason a spirit's exteriors are first disclosed and reduced to order that they may serve the interiors as a corresponding plane.


De Coelo et de Inferno #498 (original Latin)

498. Status hic primus hominis post mortem durat aliquibus per dies, aliquibus per menses, et aliquibus per annum, et raro alicui ultra annum; singulis cum differentia secundum interiorum concordantiam et discordantiam cum exterioribus. Apud unumquemvis enim exteriora et interiora unum agent, et correspondebunt: non licet alicui in spirituali mundo aliter cogitare et velle ac aliter loqui et agere, quisque ibi erit suae affectionis seu sui amoris effigies, ideo qualis est in interioribus talis erit in exterioribus; quare exteriora spiritus primum reteguntur et rediguntur in ordinem, ut serviant pro plano correspondente interioribus.

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