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《天堂与地狱》 第490节





490. 由此明显可知, 死后每个人的快乐都转化为它们的对应物, 而爱本身则保持不变, 直到永远. 婚姻之爱, 对公正, 诚实, 良善与真理的爱, 对科学与知识的爱, 对聪明与智慧的爱等等, 尤其如此. 快乐便从这些爱流出, 就像溪流从它们的源泉流出; 这些会延续下去, 但当从属世快乐被提升到属灵快乐时, 它们就被提升到更高的层次.



490. 由此可見, 人死後其生命的樂趣果將轉化為相應的事物, 其所欲所愛之本身將保持不變, 直到永遠。婚姻契合之愛如此, 還包括對公平, 誠實, 善與理之熱愛, 對知識, 聰明和智慧的熱愛, 等等。快樂源於這些愛欲, 如同溪水源于泉源。不僅可以維持, 而且將隨著它從物質之樂轉化為心靈之樂而被提到一個更高的層次。

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Heaven and Hell #490 (NCE, 2000)

490. This enables us to know that after death our pleasures do change into corresponding ones, but that the love itself remains the same forever, especially marriage love, the love of what is fair, honest, good, and true, the love of information and insights, the love of intelligence and wisdom, and the rest. The things that flow from these loves like streams from their spring are pleasures that not only last but are raised to a higher level when they are changed from natural pleasures into spiritual ones.


Heaven and Hell #490 (Harley, 1958)

490. From these things it can be known that the delights of all are changed after death into their correspondences, while the love itself continues to eternity. This is true of conjugial love, of the love of justice, honesty, goodness and truth, the love of knowledges and of cognitions, the love of intelligence and wisdom, and the rest. From these loves, delights flow like streams from their fountain; and these continue; but when raised from natural to spiritual delights they are exalted to a higher degree.


Heaven and Hell #490 (Ager, 1900)

490. All this makes evident that everyone's delights are changed after death into their correspondences, while the love itself continues to eternity. This is true of marriage love, of the love of justice, honesty, goodness and truth, the love of sciences and of knowledges, the love of intelligence and wisdom, and the rest. From these loves delights flow like streams from their fountain; and these continue; but when raised from natural to spiritual delights they are exalted to a higher degree.


De Coelo et de Inferno #490 (original Latin)

490. Ex his sciri potest, quod jucunda omnium post mortem vertantur in correspondentia, manente usque ipso amore in aeternum; prout amor conjugialis, amor justi, sinceri, boni, et veri, amor scientiarum et cognitionum, amor intelligentiae et sapientiae, ac reliqui illa quae inde fluunt sicut rivi a suo fonte, sunt jucunda, quae quoque permanent, sed exaltantur ad superiorem gradum, cum a naturalibus ad spiritualia.

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