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《天堂与地狱》 第48节





48. 因此, 在智慧上更胜一筹的天使从脸上立刻就能看出一个人的品质. 在天堂, 没有人能利用自己的表情来掩饰自己的内层, 或伪装, 或通过诡计和伪善千方百计欺骗和迷惑别人. 假冒为善的人混入社群的情形有时也会发生. 这些人一直被教导如何隐藏自己的内层, 构建自己的外层, 好叫它以属于社群的天使所处的良善形式显现, 从而伪装成光明天使. 不过, 他们在那里待不了多长时间, 因为他们开始从内在感到极度痛苦, 备受折磨, 脸色发青, 可以说毫无生气. 这些变化是由于违背所流入并运作的生命造成的. 于是, 他们很快就栽入他们的同类所在的地狱, 再也不急切地寻求上去了. 这些人就是受到邀请的宾客当中所发现那没有穿礼服并被丢在外边黑暗里的人所指的(马太福音 22:11-14).



48. 正因如此, 智慧卓著的天人能透過面孔立時洞察人的秉性。在天國, 人不能矯飾表情, 以隱藏他的內在秉性, 更不能以詭計和偽善欺騙他人。

有時, 確有偽善之徒混入天人社群當中。他們已習慣了做作, 在眾人面前表現得慈眉善目, 由此欺騙光明的天人。不過這種情況不會維持太久。他們很快會覺得痛苦不安, 臉色發青, 近乎昏厥, 因為他們與流入其中並施以影響的生命是全然對立的。所以, 他們只能倉皇逃回地獄, 回到同類當中, 不敢再混入天國。主在比啟中所說沒穿禮服進入婚宴, 後被趕入黑暗之中的賓客, 指的正是這種人(馬太福音22:11-13)。

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Heaven and Hell #48 (NCE, 2000)

48. This is also why an angel of outstanding wisdom sees the quality of others instantly, from their faces. In heaven, no one can conceal inner character by facial expression and pretend, much less lie and deceive others by guile and hypocrisy.

It does sometimes happen that hypocrites steal into [heavenly] communities, hypocrites trained in hiding their inner nature and arranging their outward appearance in the benevolent form they present in public, thereby misleading angels of light. However, they cannot stay around very long. They begin to feel inner discomfort and torment, their faces start to turn blue, and they almost faint - changes caused by their opposition to the life that is flowing in and affecting them. So they promptly cast themselves back into the hell of people like themselves and no longer dare to climb up again. These are the people meant by the man who was discovered among the dinner guests without a wedding garment and was thrown out into outer darkness ( 22:0).


Heaven and Hell #48 (Harley, 1958)

48. From this it also comes about that an angel who excels in wisdom instantly sees the quality of another from his face. In heaven no one can conceal his interiors by his expression, or feign or in any way deceive and mislead by craft or hypocrisy. It sometimes happens that hypocrites insinuate themselves into societies. These hypocrites have been taught to conceal their interiors and to compose their exteriors so as to appear in the form of the good in which are those who belong to the society, and thus feign themselves angels of light. But they cannot stay there for long for they begin to suffer anguish interiorly, to be tortured, to grow livid in the face and to become, as it were, lifeless. These changes result from contrariety to the life that flows in and operates. Therefore, they quickly cast themselves down into the hell where their like are, and no longer seek earnestly to ascend. These are such as are meant by the man who was found, among the invited and reclining guests, not clothed in a wedding garment, and was cast into outer darkness. (Matthew 22:11, and following verses.)


Heaven and Hell #48 (Ager, 1900)

48. From this it also comes to pass that an angel who excels in wisdom instantly sees the quality of another from his face. In heaven no one can conceal his interiors by his expression, or feign, or really deceive and mislead by craft or hypocrisy. There are hypocrites who are experts in disguising their interiors and fashioning their exteriors into the form of that good in which those are who belong to a society, and who thus make themselves appear angels of light; and these sometimes insinuate themselves into a society; but they cannot stay there long, for they begin to suffer inward pain and torture, to grow livid in the face, and to become as it were lifeless. These changes arise from the contrariety of the life that flows in and affects them. Therefore they quickly cast themselves down into hell where their like are, and no longer want to ascend. These are such as are meant by the man found among the invited guests at the feast not clothed with a wedding garment, who was cast out into outer darkness Matthew 22:11, seq.).


De Coelo et de Inferno #48 (original Latin)

48. Inde etiam fit, quod angelus qui praestans sapientia est, videat illico ex facie qualis alter est non potest quisquam ibi vultu recondere interiora, et simulare, et prorsus non mentiri et fallere astu et hypocrisi. Contingit aliquoties, quod in societates se insinuent hypocritae, qui edocti sunt recondere interiora sua, et componere exteriora ut appareant in forma boni, in quo sunt qui in societate, et sic mentiri lucis angelos sed hi non diu ibi morari possunt, incipiunt enim angi interius, cruciari, livescere facie, et quasi exanimari: alterantur ita ex contrarietate vitae quae influit et operatur quare se dejiciunt repente in infernum ubi similes, nec hiscunt amplius ascendere. Sunt illi qui intelliguntur per eum, qui inventus est inter discumbentes et invitatos, non indutus veste nuptiali, et ejectus in tenebras exteriores (Matthaeus 22:11-14).

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