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《天堂与地狱》 第465节





465. 有一个灵人因以下事实而愤愤不平: 他不能记起在肉身生活中所知道的许多事, 并为失去他曾大为享受的那份乐趣而悲伤. 但他被告知, 他根本没有失去任何东西, 绝对知道他所知的一切, 只是在他现今所生活的这个世界, 任何人都不允许从记忆召唤出这些东西; 他应满足于能比以前更好, 更完美地思考和谈论, 他的理性现在不像以前那样陷入粗糙, 模糊的物质和肉体事物, 这些事物对他现在所进入的国度毫无用处; 而且他现在拥有永生所需的一切, 这是他幸福, 快乐的唯一途径. 所以, 以为在这个国度, 聪明会随着记忆中物质事物的移走和沉寂而消失, 是一种无知的表现; 而真相却是, 心智越从属于外在人或身体的感官事物退出, 就越被提升至属灵和属天事物.



465. 有個靈因為記不起在世時所學到的諸多知識而抱怨, 也為失去那份快樂而傷感, 因為那曾是他最大的樂趣。他被告知, 他根本未曾失去任何東西, 一切尚在, 只是在當前的世界, 他不允許回想那些東西。相反, 他該為現在能更完美的思索和談論, 理性已不像從前那樣陷於粗糙模糊的物質和肉體之中而感到快樂。那些東西在他現在已進入的國度毫無用處, 而且他已擁有利於永生需用的一切, 除此途徑, 人不能獲得幸福和快樂。所以, 以為自然記憶的移除和沉寂將導致智慧的喪失乃是一種無知的想法。事實上, 心智越出離外在肉體的感官, 就越能進入天國的智慧之中。

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Heaven and Hell #465 (NCE, 2000)

465. One particular spirit resented the fact that he could not remember much of what he had known during his physical life. He was grieving over the pleasure he had lost because it had been his chief delight. He was told, though, that he had not lost anything at all and that he knew absolutely everything. In the world where he was now living he was not allowed to retrieve things like that. It should satisfy him that he could now think and talk much better and more perfectly without immersing his rational functioning in dense clouds, in material and physical concerns, the way he had before, in concerns that were useless in the kingdom he had now reached. Now he had whatever he needed for his functioning in eternal life, and there was no other way he could become blessed and happy. So it was the counsel of ignorance to believe that the removal and dormancy of material concerns in the memory led to the disappearance of intelligence, when in fact the more the mind can be led out of the sensory concerns that are proper to the outer person or the body, the more it is raised up to spiritual and heavenly concerns.


Heaven and Hell #465 (Harley, 1958)

465. A certain spirit was indignant because he was unable to remember many things that he knew in the life of the body, grieving over the lost pleasure which he had so much enjoyed, but he was told that he had lost nothing at all, that he knew each and everything that he had known, and that in the world where he now was no one was permitted to call forth such things from the memory, and that it is enough that he could now think and speak much better and more perfectly than before, and that his rational was not now immersed as before in gross, obscure, material and corporeal things, which are of no use in the kingdom into which he had now come; also that he now possessed everything conducive to the uses of eternal life, and that this is the only way of becoming blessed and happy. Therefore it is the part of ignorance to believe that in this kingdom intelligence perishes with the removal or quiescence of the material things in the memory; whereas the real fact is that, so far as the mind can be withdrawn from sensual things pertaining to the external man or the body, so far it is elevated to things spiritual and heavenly.


Heaven and Hell #465 (Ager, 1900)

465. A certain spirit was indignant because he was unable to remember many things that he knew in the life of the body, grieving over the lost pleasure which he had so much enjoyed, but he was told that he had lost nothing at all, that he still knew each and everything that he had known, although in the world where he now was no one was permitted to call forth such things from the memory, and that he ought to be satisfied that he could now think and speak much better and more perfectly than before, and that his rational was not now immersed as before in gross, obscure, material and corporeal things, which are of no use in the kingdom into which he had now come; also that he now possessed everything conducive to the uses of eternal life, and that this is the only way of becoming blessed and happy; and therefore it is the part of ignorance to believe that in this kingdom intelligence perishes with the removal or quiescence of the material things in the memory; for the real fact is that so far as the mind can be withdrawn from things of sense pertaining to the external man or the body, so far it is elevated to things spiritual and heavenly.


De Coelo et de Inferno #465 (original Latin)

465. Quidam spiritus indignatus quod non meminisset plurium quae in vita corporis novit, dolens ob jucundum quod amisit, quo maxime delectatus fuerat: sed dictum est ei, quod prorsus nihil amiserit, et quod sciat omnia et singula; et quod in illo mundo, ubi nunc est, non liceat ei talia depromere, et quod satis sit quod nunc possit multo melius et perfectius cogitare et loqui, nec rationale suum immergere, ut prius, densis obscuris, materialibus, et corporeis, quae nullius usus sunt in regno in quod nunc venit; et quod nunc habeat quicquid ad usum vitae aeternae conducat, et quod sic non aliter possit beatus et felix fieri; ita quod ignorantiae sit credere, quod in hoc regno cum remotione et quiescentia materialium in memoria, intelligentia pereat; cum tamen res ita se habet, quod quantum mens abduci potest a sensualibus quae sunt externi hominis seu corporis, tantum elevantur ad spiritualia et caelestia.

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