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《天堂与地狱》 第386节





386. 我曾被指示婚姻之爱的快乐如何通向天堂, 奸淫的快乐如何通向地狱. 通向天堂的婚姻之爱之路通向不断增长的祝福和幸福的状态, 直到它们数不胜数, 无法描述. 它们越内在, 就越数不胜数, 越无法描述, 直到它们抵达至内层或纯真天堂的祝福和幸福的状态. 这一切通过最大的自由实现, 因为一切自由皆出自爱; 因此, 最大的自由出自婚姻之爱, 这爱是天堂之爱的本质或天堂之爱本身. 另一方面, 奸淫之路通向地狱, 并逐渐通向最低层的地狱, 那里只有悲惨, 恐怖之物. 奸淫者在世上的生活结束后, 等待他们的, 就是这种命运. 我们所说的奸淫者, 指的是那些在淫行中感觉到快乐, 在婚姻却感觉不到快乐的人.



386. 我也被指示婚愛之樂是如何引入天國, 淫欲之樂是如何引入地獄的。婚愛引入天國的路, 是將人引入不斷增長的幸福和快樂之中, 直至無以數計, 無以言傳, 而且進入越深, 就越是無以數計, 無以言傳, 直至進入內層天(或天真天)的快樂之中。這一切在最大的自由下完成, 因為自由無不出於愛。最大的自由源於婚愛, 這愛是天國之愛的根本。

相反, 淫欲引入地獄的路, 是將人引入殘忍和恐懼的最底層。死後, 等待行淫者的就是這樣的結局。所謂"行淫者,"乃指一切以行淫為樂卻不以婚姻為樂之人。

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Heaven and Hell #386 (NCE, 2000)

386. I have been shown how the pleasures of marriage love lead to heaven and how the pleasures of adultery lead to hell. The path of marriage love toward heaven led into constantly increasing blessings and delights until they were beyond number or description. The deeper they were, the more of them there were and the more indescribable they were, all the way to the delights of the inmost heaven, the heaven of innocence. All this was accomplished with the greatest freedom, because all freedom stems from love; so the greatest freedom comes from marriage love, which is the essential heavenly love.

On the other hand, the path of adultery led toward hell, step by step to the very lowest where there is nothing that is not grim and terrifying. This is the kind of fate that awaits adulterers after their life in the world. By "adulterers," we mean people who find pleasure in acts of adultery and not in marriage.


Heaven and Hell #386 (Harley, 1958)

386. I have been shown how the delights of conjugial love advance towards heaven, and the delights of adultery towards hell. The advance of the delights of conjugial love towards heaven was into states of blessedness and happiness continually increasing until they became innumerable and ineffable, and the more interiorly they advanced the more innumerable and more ineffable they became, until they reached the very states of blessedness and happiness of the inmost heaven, or of the heaven of innocence, and this through the most perfect freedom; for all freedom is from love, thus the most perfect freedom is from conjugial love, which is heavenly love itself. On the other hand, the advance of adultery was towards hell, and by degrees to the lowest hell, where there is nothing but what is direful and horrible. Such a lot awaits adulterers after their life in the world, those being meant as adulterers who perceive a delight in adulteries, and no delight in marriages.


Heaven and Hell #386 (Ager, 1900)

386. I have been shown how the delights of marriage love advance towards heaven, and the delights of adultery towards hell. The advance of the delights of marriage love towards heaven is into states of blessedness and happiness continually increasing until they become innumerable and ineffable, and the more interiorly they advance the more innumerable and more ineffable they become, until they reach the very states of blessedness and happiness of the inmost heaven, or of the heaven of innocence, and this through the most perfect freedom; for all freedom is from love, thus the most perfect freedom is from marriage love, which is heavenly love itself. On the other hand, the advance of adultery is towards hell, and by degrees to the lowest hell, where there is nothing but what is direful and horrible. Such a lot awaits adulterers after their life in the world, those being meant by adulterers who feel a delight in adulteries, and no delight in marriages.


De Coelo et de Inferno #386 (original Latin)

386. Ostensum mihi est, quomodo progrediuntur jucunda amoris conjugialis ad caelum et jucunda adulterii ad infernum. Progressio jucundorum amoris conjugialis versus caelum erat in beatitudines et felicitates continue plures usque ad innumerabiles et ineffabiles, et quo interius in innumerabiliores et ineffabiliores, usque ad ipsas caeli intimi seu caeli innocentiae, et hoc per liberrimum; omne enim liberum est ex amore, ita liberrimum ex amore conjugiali, qui est ipse amor caelestis. Progressio autem adulterii erat versus infernum, et per gradus ad infimum, ubi nihil nisi quam dirum et horrendum. Talis sors manet adulteros post vitam eorum in mundo; per adulteros intelliguntur, qui jucundum in adulteriis, et non jucundum in conjugiis percipiunt.

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