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《天堂与地狱》 第330节





330. 夭折的孩子在来世仍是孩子, 有幼稚的头脑, 无知的纯真, 方方面面都很娇嫩. 他们只是处在能成长为天使的雏形中, 因为孩子不是天使, 而是成长为天使. 事实上, 每个离世之人进入来世时, 一开始仍保持原来的生命状态, 小孩子仍处于小孩子的状态, 少年人仍处于少年人的状态, 年轻人, 成人, 老人也一样. 然而, 各人的状态最终发生变化. 小孩子的状态要胜过其他所有人的状态, 因为他们处于纯真, 邪恶尚未通过实际生活在他们里面扎根; 而天堂的一切事物都能被植入纯真, 因为纯真是接受信之真理和爱之良善的器皿.



330. 夭折的孩子, 到了心靈世界依然是孩子, 有孩子般的頭腦, 孩子般的天真, 孩子般的嬌嫩, 成長為天人的過程才剛剛開始。因為孩子還不是天人, 只是將成長為天人。事實上, 每個離世的人首先會處於與生前相同的生命狀態, 嬰兒是嬰兒的狀態, 兒童是兒童的狀態, 青年, 成年, 老年亦複如是。不過, 這狀態終究會發生變化。孩子的狀態較為樂觀, 因為他們天真無邪, 又未因實際造惡而使惡紮根於心。天真無邪的性情是天國種子生長的土壤, 因為它是承受信之真理與仁之良善的載體。

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Heaven and Hell #330 (NCE, 2000)

330. Children who die are still children in the other life. They have the same kind of childlike mind, the same innocence in their ignorance, the same total delicateness - they are only in the rudiments of becoming angels; for children are not angels in being but only angels in becoming. Actually everyone who leaves this world stays in the same state of life - a baby is in the state of a baby, a child in the state of a child, an adolescent or adult or senior in the state of an adolescent, an adult, or a senior. However, this state eventually changes. A child's state is better than the others, though, in regard to innocence, and in regard to the fact that children have not yet let evils take root in them by actually living them. The quality of innocence is such that everything heavenly can be sown in it, because innocence is the vessel of the truths of faith and the good affections of love.


Heaven and Hell #330 (Harley, 1958)

330. Little children who die are just as much little children in the other life, having a like infantile mind, a like innocence in ignorance, and a like tenderness in all things. They are merely in the rudiments of a capacity to become angels, for little children are not angels but become angels. For every one passing out of this world is in a state like that of his life, a little child in the state of a little child, a boy in the state of a boy, a youth, a man, an old man, in the state of a youth, a man, or an old man; but subsequently each one's state is changed. Moreover, the state of little children excels the state of the rest in that they are in innocence, and evil has not yet been rooted in them by actual life; and innocence is such that all things of heaven can be implanted therein, for it is a receptacle of the truth of faith and of the good of love.


Heaven and Hell #330 (Ager, 1900)

330. When children die they are still children in the other life, having a like infantile mind, a like innocence in ignorance, and a like tenderness in all things. They are merely in the rudiments of a capacity to become angels, for children are not angels but become angels. For everyone passing out of this world enters the other in the same state of life, a little child in the state of a little child, a boy in the state of a boy, a youth, a man, an old man, in the state of a youth, a man, or an old man; but subsequently each one's state is changed. The state of little children surpasses the state of all others in that they are in innocence, and evil has not yet been rooted in them by actual life; and in innocence all things of heaven can be implanted, for it is a receptacle of the truth of faith and of the good of love.


De Coelo et de Inferno #330 (original Latin)

330. Infantes qui moriuntur, aeque infantes sunt in altera vita; similis illis infantilis animus, similis innocentia in ignorantia, et similis teneritudo omnium solum in inchoamentis sunt ut possint fieri angeli, nam infantes non sunt angeli sed fiunt angeli. Unusquisque enim, qui e mundo excedit, in simili statu suae vitae est, infans in statu infantis, puer in statu pueri, adolescens, vir, senex, in statu adolescentis, viri et senis, verum status cujusvis postea mutatur infantum autem status excedit statum reliquorum in eo, quod in innocentia sint, et quod nondum eis irradicatum sit malum ex actuali vita ac innocentia talis est, ut ei implantari possint omnia caeli, nam innocentia est receptaculum veri fidei et boni amoris.

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