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《天堂与地狱》 第302节






302. 我曾与天使谈论天堂与人类的联结, 并告诉他们说, 教会之人的确宣称一切良善皆来自主, 并且天使与人同在, 然而却很少有人相信天使离人如此之近, 更不相信他们就在人的思维和情感中. 天使回答说, 他们知道这种空洞的信仰和说法仍存在于世间, 可令他们惊讶的是, 在教会中更甚, 教会本是人们拥有圣言的地方, 圣言则教导他们有关天堂及其与人联结的事. 而事实上, 这种联结如此至关重要, 以致若非灵人与人同在, 人就无法思考最小的事, 而他的属灵生命便取决于此. 他们说, 在这个问题上, 无知的原因在于人以为他靠自己活着, 并且与生命的终级实在(Ultimate Reality)或第一存在(First Being [Esse])毫无联系; 再加上他不知道这种联系通过天堂存在. 然而, 如果这种联系被打破, 人将立刻一命呜呼. 人若只是照着事情的真相相信, 一切良善皆来自主, 一切邪恶皆来自地狱, 就不会将他里面的良善归功于自己, 也不会将邪恶归咎于自己. 每当思想或行出任何良善时, 他都会聚焦于主, 并将所流入的任何邪恶扔回它所来自的地狱. 只因人不相信流入他的任何事物要么来自天堂, 要么来自地狱, 因而以为他所思想和意愿的一切事物都在他自己里面, 并出于他自己, 所以他将邪恶归为己有, 又以功德感玷污所流入的良善.



302. 關於天國與人類相通, 我與天人曾有過交談。我說, 教會之人的確宣稱凡善皆出於主, 也表示有天人與人同在, 只是少有人真正相信天人離人如此之近, 更未想到他們就在人的思維和情感當中。天人說, 他們知道世間存在這種空洞的信仰和論調, 可讓他們吃驚的是, 教會的情況居然更甚, 儘管他們擁有聖言, 而聖言已將天國並天國與信徒相通的情況指示於他們。事實上, 人若沒有靈與其同在, 就不能有任何思想。人的靈性生命取決於此。天人說, 人落入如此無知的境地, 在於他們相信是憑自己而活, 與生命本源毫無關係, 不知人是通過天國與生命之源息息相連。實際上, 該聯繫一旦打破, 我們立刻會一命嗚呼。我們若能相信事實真相, 相信凡善皆出於上帝, 凡惡皆出於地獄, 就不會將善歸功於己, 也不會將惡歸咎於己。起任何善念, 行任何善事的時候, 我們就專注於主;有任何惡念流入的時候, 我們就將它扔回地獄。只可惜, 由於人不相信天國和地獄的流入, 以為其所思所欲無不屬於自己, 出於自己, 也就將罪惡執於己有, 又以功德思想玷啟了良善。

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Heaven and Hell #302 (NCE, 2000)

302. I have talked with angels about the union of heaven with the human race and have told them that church people actually do say that everything good is from the Lord and that there are angels with us, but few people really believe that angels are so close to us, much less that they are in our thought and affection. The angels have told me that they knew this kind of [empty] belief and talk occurred in the world, and especially (which astonished them) in the church, where people have the Word that teaches them about heaven and its union with them. Yet in fact the union is so vital that we could not think the least thought apart from the spirits who are with us. Our spiritual life depends on this. They said that the reason for this ignorance was that people believe they live on their own, without any connection with the Ultimate Reality of life, and do not know that there is this connection through the heavens. Yet if that connection were severed, we would instantly drop down dead. If we believed the way things really are, that everything good comes from God and everything evil from hell, then we would not take credit for the good within us or blame for the evil. Whenever we thought or did anything good, we would focus on the Lord, and any evil that flowed in we would throw back into the hell it came from. But since we do not believe in any inflow from heaven or from hell and therefore believe that everything we think and intend is in us and from us, we make the evil our own and defile the good with our feeling that we deserve it.


Heaven and Hell #302 (Harley, 1958)

302. I have talked with angels about the conjunction of heaven with the human race, and I said that, while the man of the Church declares that all good is from God, and that angels are with man, yet few believe that angels are conjoined to man, still less that they are in his thought and affection. To this the angels replied that they know that there is such a belief and even such a mode of speaking in the world, and especially, to their surprise, within the Church, where yet there is the Word to teach men about heaven and its conjunction with man. Nevertheless, there is such a conjunction that man is unable to think the least thing apart from the spirits adjoined to him, and on this his spiritual life depends. They said that the cause of ignorance of this matter is man's belief that he lives from himself, without a connection with the First Being (Esse) of life; and that he does not know that this connection exists by means of the heavens; and yet if that connection were broken man would instantly fall down dead. If man believed, as is really true, that all good is from the Lord and all evil from hell, he would not make the good in him a matter of merit nor would evil be imputed to him; for he would then look to the Lord in all the good he thinks and does, and all the evil that inflows would be cast down to hell whence it comes. But because man does not believe that there is any influx into him either from heaven or from hell, and so supposes that all the things that he thinks and wills are in himself, and therefore from himself, he appropriates the evil to himself, and the inflowing good he defiles with merit.


Heaven and Hell #302 (Ager, 1900)

302. I have talked with angels about the conjunction of heaven with the human race, saying that while the man of the church declares that all good is from God, and that angels are with man, yet few believe that angels are conjoined to man, still less that they are in his thought and affection. The angels replied that they knew that such a belief and such a mode of speaking still exist in the world, and especially, to their surprise, within the church, where the Word is present to teach men about heaven and its conjunction with man; nevertheless, there is such a conjunction that man is unable to think the least thing unless spirits are associated with him, and on this his spiritual life depends. They said that the cause of ignorance in this matter is man's belief that he lives from himself, and that he has no connection with the First Being [Esse] of life; together with his not knowing that this connection exists by means of the heavens; and yet if that connection were broken man would instantly fall dead. If man only believed, as is really true, that all good is from the Lord and all evil from hell, he would neither make the good in him a matter of merit nor would evil be imputed to him; for he would then look to the Lord in all the good he thinks and does, and all the evil that flows in would be cast down to hell from which it comes. But because man does not believe that anything flows into him either from heaven or from hell, and therefore supposes that all things that he thinks and wills are in himself and therefore from himself, he appropriates the evil to himself, and the good that flows in he defiles with merit.


De Coelo et de Inferno #302 (original Latin)

302. Locutus sum cum angelis de conjunctione caeli cum humano genere; et dixi, quod homo ecclesiae quidem dicat, quod omne bonum sit a Deo, et quod angeli sint apud hominem, sed quod usque pauci credant quod sint conjuncti homini, minus quod sint in cogitatione et affectione ejus. Ad haec angeli dixerunt, quod sciant quod talis fides et usque talis loquela sit in mundo, et maxime intra ecclesiam, (quod mirati sunt,) ubi tamen est Verbum, quod illos docet de caelo, et de ejus conjunctione cum homine; cum tamen talis conjunctio sit, ut homo ne minimum cogitare possit absque spiritibus ei adjunctis, et quod vita ejus spiritualis inde pendeat. Causam ignorantiae hujus rei dixerunt esse, quod homo credat se vivere ex se absque nexu cum Primo Esse vitae, et quod non sciat quod nexus ille sit per caelos, cum tamen homo, si solveretur ille nexus, actutum caderet mortuus. Si homo crederet sicut res in se est, quod omne bonum sit a Domino, et omne malum ab inferno, tunc non bonum apud se meritorium faceret, nec imputaretur ei malum nam sic in omni bono quod cogitat et facit spectaret ad Dominum, et omne malum, quod influit, rejiceretur ad infernum unde est. Sed quia homo non credit aliquem influxum e caelo et ex inferno, et inde putat quod in se et inde quod a se sint omnia quae cogitat et quae vult, ideo ille appropriat sibi malum, et bonum quod influit conspurcat merito.

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