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《天堂与地狱》 第182节





182. 由于在灵界, 每个人都照着自己的聪明, 也就是照着作为聪明之源头的真理而拥有衣服, 所以地狱里的人也看似穿着衣服; 但他们的衣服因他们缺乏真理而显得破烂不堪, 肮脏污秽, 各自与自己的疯狂保持一致; 他们也不可能穿上其它衣服. 主允许他们穿上衣服, 免得他们赤身露体.



182. 心靈世界中的每一位, 衣服如何取決於智慧如何, 故也取決於構成智慧的真理如何。地獄之人也有衣服, 但因缺乏真理, 他們看上去衣衫襤褸, 骯髒啟穢, 與各人的愚癡相應。他們不可能有其它衣服。主允許他們穿著衣服, 免得他們赤身露體。

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Heaven and Hell #182 (NCE, 2000)

182. For everyone in the spiritual world, clothing depends on intelligence and therefore on the truths that constitute intelligence. Although people in the hells do seem to be clothed, because they lack truths their clothes are nothing but rags, dirty and foul, each individual in keeping with his or her own insanity. They cannot be clothed in any other way, either. The Lord allows them to wear clothes so that they will not appear naked.


Heaven and Hell #182 (Harley, 1958)

182. Because everyone in the spiritual world has garments in accordance with his intelligence, that is, in accordance with the truths from which he is intelligent, so those in the hells being without truths, appear clothed in garments, but in ragged, squalid and filthy garments, each in accordance with his insanity, nor can they be clothed in others. It is granted them by the Lord to be clothed, lest they should be seen naked.


Heaven and Hell #182 (Ager, 1900)

182. As everyone in the spiritual world has garments in accordance with his intelligence, that is, in accordance with truths which are the source of intelligence, so those in the hells, because they have no truths, appear clothed in garments, but in ragged, squalid, and filthy garments, each one in accordance with his insanity; and they can be clothed in no others. It is granted them by the Lord to be clothed, lest they be seen naked.


De Coelo et de Inferno #182 (original Latin)

182. Quia vestes cuique in mundo spirituali sunt secundum intelligentiam, ita secundum vera ex quibus intelligentia, ideo illi qui in infernis, quia absque veris sunt, quidem apparent induti vestibus, sed laceris, squallidis et tetris, quisque secundum suam insaniam nec possunt aliis indui: datur illis a Domino vestiri, ne appareant nudi.

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