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《天堂与地狱》 第116节






116. 十四, 天堂的太阳

在天堂, 尘世太阳, 以及来自这太阳的一切事物都是不可见的, 它完全是属世的. 事实上, 自然界始于这太阳, 凡通过这太阳所产生之物, 都被称为属世. 但天堂所属的属灵之物在自然界之上, 与属世之物完全不同; 这二者之间若不凭借对应, 也没有任何交流. 从前面关于层级的论述(天国的奥秘 38节)可以理解它们之间有何区别; 从前两章关于对应的论述可理解何为交流.



116. 天國太陽

在天國看不到我們人間的太陽, 源於人間太陽的萬物也都不可見, 因為它們都是物質的。物質界從人間太陽而來, 由此太陽產生的一切都稱為"物質"。然而天國存在于心靈的實質之中, 心靈的實質在物質之上, 不同於一切物質。兩者的交流僅能通過對應來完成。它們有何不同, 從前面(38)對層次的論述可知;如何交流, 從前面兩章關於對應的論述可知。

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Heaven and Hell #116 (NCE, 2000)

116. The Sun in Heaven

Our world's sun is not visible in heaven, and neither is anything that is derived from it, since all that is natural. Nature, in fact, begins with that sun, and whatever is produced by it is called natural. The spiritual reality in which heaven exists, though, is above nature and completely distinct from anything natural. They communicate with each other only through correspondences.

The nature of the distinction can be gathered from what was said above about levels in 38, and the nature of the communication from the last two chapters about correspondences.


Heaven and Hell #116 (Harley, 1958)


In heaven, neither the sun of the world nor anything from that sun is seen, because it is wholly natural. In fact, nature has its beginning from that sun and whatever is produced by means of it is called natural. But the spiritual, in which is heaven, is above nature and quite distinct from what is natural, nor is there communication between the two except by means of correspondences. What the distinction between them is may be understood from the things said before about degrees (38), and what the communication is from the things said in the preceding two sections about correspondences.


Heaven and Hell #116 (Ager, 1900)


In heaven neither the sun of the world, nor anything from that sun, is seen, because it is wholly natural. For nature has its beginning from that sun, and whatever is produced by means of it is called natural. But the spiritual, to which heaven belongs, is above nature and wholly distinct from what is natural; and there is no communication between the two except by correspondences. What the distinction between them is may be understood from what has been already said about degrees (38), and what the communication is from what has been said in the two preceding chapters about correspondences.


De Coelo et de Inferno #116 (original Latin)


In caelo non apparet sol mundi, nec quicquam quod ab illo sole, quia id omne naturale est; inchoat enim natura ab illo sole, et quicquid per illum producitur. naturale vocatur spirituale autem, in quo est caelum, est supra naturam, et prorsus distinctum a naturali; nec communicant inter se quam per correspondentias. Qualis distinctio est, comprehendi potest ex illis quae prius (38) de gradibus, et qualis communicatio ex illis quae in binis praecedentibus articulis de correspondentiis, dicta sunt.

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