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《揭秘启示录》 第777节

(一滴水译本 2019)


  不过,本节列举的所有这些事物,与上一节列举的事物所表相同;也就是说,他们没有这些良善与真理,因为他们没有诸如与它们相对应的那类事物在里面。这一点从之前的经文明显看出来,那里有这些话:“巴比伦城要被火烧尽,没有人再买她的货物了”({18:8-{11);也可从接下来的经文明显看出来,那里有这些话“一切的珍馐肥甘,和华美的物件,也离开你,决不能再见了” ({18:14);它们都被毁灭了({18:16,{19)。


  耶和华对摩西说,你要取香料,就是拿他弗(没药),施喜列(香螺),喜利比拿(白松香),和净乳香;各样要一般大的分量、你要用这些加上盐、按做香之法做成清净圣洁的香,就是膏油。(出埃及记 30:34-37


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 777

777. 18:13 "And cinnamon, fragrances, ointment and frankincense." This symbolically means that these Roman Catholics no longer have any worship that springs from spiritual goods and truths, because they have nothing inwardly in their worship that corresponds to the aforesaid things.

The preceding verse had as it subject everything having to do with the church's doctrine. Now this verse has as its subject everything having to do with the church's worship.

Things having to do with doctrine are put first, and things having to do with worship follow, since worship has its character from the goods and truths of doctrine. For the church's worship is nothing but an outward act whose internal elements ought to be those of doctrine. Without them the worship is lacking its essence, life and soul.

Now because everything having to do with doctrine has relation to goods that are matters of love and charity and to truths that are matters of wisdom and faith, and these goods and truths are celestial, spiritual, or natural, according to the degrees of their succession, so too are all the ingredients of worship. Moreover, because the preceding verse mentions spiritual things having to do with doctrine first, so this verse mentions spiritual things having to do with worship first, namely cinnamon, fragrances, ointment and frankincense, and secondly then celestial things having to do with worship, namely wine, oil, flour and wheat, and thirdly natural things having to do with worship, namely cattle and sheep. That all these goods and truths having to do with worship must come from the Word is symbolized by their being merchandise of horses and wagons and the bodies and souls of people. This is the sequence of subjects in the spiritual sense of this verse.

All the valuables listed in this verse have the same meaning as the valuables listed in the preceding verse, namely, that these goods and truths are lacking in these Roman Catholics, because they do not have in them the goods and truths that correspond to the things listed. This is apparent from preceding verses, where we are told that the city Babylon will be burned with fire and that no one will buy her merchandise anymore (verses 8-11). It is apparent also from verses that follow, where we are told that all things rich and splendid have gone from her and shall be found no more (verse 14), and that they were destroyed (verses 16, 19).

[2] Now, however, we must say something about the valuables listed here, namely cinnamon, fragrances, ointment and frankincense. These are specified because they are the ingredients used in making incense. Incense symbolizes a worship of the Lord that springs from spiritual goods and truths, as may be seen in nos. 277, 392 above. And incense offerings were pleasing because they consisted of fragrant ingredients that corresponded to those goods and truths, as may be seen in no. 394.

All the fragrant ingredients used in the preparation of incense are meant by cinnamon, fragrances, and ointment, and their base by frankincense. This is apparent from the list in Exodus of the aromatic ingredients of which it was made:

Jehovah said to Moses: "Take sweet spices - stacte, onycha and galbanum - ...and pure frankincense... And you shall make of these a fragrance, an ointment the work of a perfumer, salted, pure, and holy. (Exodus 30:34-37)

They used these ingredients to make incense, which, as we said, symbolized a worship springing from spiritual goods and truths. Cinnamon is substituted here for all the fragrant ingredients listed there.

What each of these aromatic ingredients symbolizes in the spiritual sense may be seen in Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), in the treatment of Exodus where they are explained one by one.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 777

777. [verse 13] 'And cinnamon and incenses and ointment (pigmentum) and frankincense' signifies that they no longer have a worship out of spiritual goods and truths because they do not have anything inwardly in the worship that corresponds to the things named above. In the preceding verse [the Word] treats of all the things that are of the doctrine of the Church, but in this verse it treats of all those that are of the Church's worship. The things that are of the doctrine are dealt with first and those that are of the worship follow, because the quality of the worship is derived from the goods and truths of the doctrine; for worship is nothing but an external act in which the internal things that are of doctrine should be. Without these worship is without its essence, life, and soul. Now because all the things that are of the doctrine relate to the goods that are of love and charity and to the truths that are of wisdom and faith, and those goods and truths are celestial, spiritual and natural in accordance with their degrees of order, this also is the case with all things of the worship. And because in the preceding verse the spiritual things of the doctrine are named in the first place, so also here are the spiritual things of worship, these being 'cinnamon,' incenses,' 'ointment' and frankincense.' And the celestial things of the worship, which are 'wine,' 'oil,' 'fine flour,' and 'wheat' are named in the second place; and in the third place the natural things of the worship are named, these being' beasts of burden' and 'sheep.' That all those goods and truths of the worship will be derived from the Word is signified by [its being said] that they are 'of horses,' 'of carriages,' 'of bodies' and 'of the souls of men.' This is the series of the things in the spiritual sense in this verse. But by all the things that have been enumerated in this verse the like is understood as by those that have been enumerated in the preceding verse, that is, that those goods and truths are not with them because they do not have with themselves such things as correspond to them. This is plain from the things that precede where it states that the city Babylon shall be burnt up with fire and no one shall buy her merchandise any more (verses 8-11); also from those that follow where it states that all things fat and splendid have departed from her and shall not be found any more (verse 14), and that they have been devastated (verse 16, 19).

[2] But something shall now be said about the things that have been named, which are 'cinnamon,' 'incenses,' 'ointment' and 'frankincense.' These are named because they are the kind of things by means of which incense-offerings used to be made. That by 'incense-offerings' is signified worship of the Lord out of spiritual goods and truths may be seen above (277, 392); and that the incense-offerings were pleasing because they were [composed] of fragrant [odours] that were corresponding (394). All the fragrant things by means of which it was prepared are understood by 'cinnamon,' 'incenses' and 'ointment,' and their essential quality by 'frankincense.' This is plain from the recital of the spices of which it was made up, in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses, Take unto thee spices, stacte, onycha and galbanum, and pure frankincense; and thou shalt make it an incense, an ointment, the work of a perfumer (pigmentum, opus pigmentarii), salted, pure, holy, Exodus 30:34-37.

The incense-offering was made out of these things, by which as has been stated was signified worship out of spiritual goods and truths. 'Cinnamon' is named here in place of all the spices there. But what these spices severally signify in the spiritual sense can be seen in ARCANA CAELESTIA on Exodus, where [the significations] have been expounded one by one.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 777

777. Verse 13. And cinnamon and incense and ointment and frankincense, signifies that they no longer have worship from spiritual goods and truths, because they have nothing within their worship which corresponds to the things here named. In the foregoing verse it treats of all the things that are of the doctrine of the church, but in this verse it treats of all the things which are of the worship of the church. The things which are of doctrine are premised, and those that are of worship follow, because the quality of the worship is from the goods and truths of doctrine; for worship is nothing but an external act, in which there should be the internals, which are of doctrine. Without these the worship is without its essence, life and soul. Now because all the things which are of doctrine have relation to the goods which are of love and charity, and to the truths which are of wisdom and faith, and these goods and truths, according to the degrees of their order, are celestial, spiritual, and natural, so also are all the things of worship. And because in the preceding verse the spiritual things of doctrine are mentioned first, so likewise here the spiritual things of worship, which are "cinnamon, incense, ointment and frankincense;" and the celestial things of worship are named in the second place, which are "wine, oil, fine flour and wheat;" and the natural things of worship are named in the third place, which are "beasts of burden and sheep." That all these goods and truths of worship should be from the Word, is signified by their being "of horses, of chariots, of the bodies and of the souls of men." This is the series of the things in the spiritual sense in this verse. But by all those things which are enumerated in this verse, the like is meant as by those that are enumerated in the preceding verse; that is, that these goods and truths are not with them, because they have not with themselves such things as correspond to them. This is evident from what precedes, where are these words, that "the city of Babylon should be burnt up with fire, and no one should buy her merchandise anymore" (verses 8-11); and from those which follow, where are these words, that "all things fat and splendid had departed from her, and were not found anymore" (verse 14); and that they were devastated (verses 16, 19).

[2] But something shall now be said of the things that have been mentioned, which are cinnamon, incense, ointment, and frankincense. These are mentioned, because they are such things as incense was made of. That the worship of the Lord from spiritual goods and truths is signified by "incense," may be seen above, (277, 392); and that incense was pleasing, because it was from fragrant things which correspond, (394). All the fragrant things by which it was prepared are meant by the cinnamon, incense, and ointment and their essential by the frankincense. This is manifest from the enumeration of the spices of which it was compounded, in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses, Take to thee spices - stacte, onycha, and galbanum - and pure frankincense; and thou shalt make of them incense, an ointment, the work of a perfumer, salted, pure, holy, (Exodus 30:34-37).

Of these the incense was made, by which, as was said, worship from spiritual goods and truths was signified. Cinnamon is mentioned here in place of all the spices there. But what each of those spices signifies in the spiritual sense, may be seen in Arcana Coelestia, upon Exodus, where they are severally explained.

Apocalypsis Revelata 777 (original Latin 1766)

777. (Vers. 13.) "Et cinnamomum et suffimenta et pigmentum et thus," significat quod non illis sit amplius cultus ex bonis et veris spiritualibus, quia non aliquid intus in cultu habent quod supra nominatis correspondet. -In versu praecedente actum est de omnibus quae sunt doctrinae Ecclesiae; in hoc versu autem agitur de omnibus quae sunt cultus Ecclesiae. Praemissa sunt illa quae sunt doctrinae, et sequuntur illa quae sunt cultus, quoniam ex bonis et veris doctrinae est quale cultus; cultus enim non est nisi quam actus externus, in quo interna, quae sunt doctrinae, erunt absque his est cultus absque sua essentia, vita et anima. Nunc quia omnia quae doctrinae sunt, se referunt ad bona quae amoris et charitatis sunt et ad vera quae sapientiae et fidei sunt, et illa bona et vera secundum gradus ordinis illorum sunt caelestia, spiritualia et naturalia, ita quoque omnia cultus. Et quia primo loco in versu praecedente nominantur spiritualia doctrinae, ita hic quoque spiritualia cultus, quae sunt "cinnamomum, suffimenta, pigmentum et thus;" et secundo loco nominantur caelestia cultus, quae sunt "vinum, oleum, simila et triticum;" et tertio nominantur naturalia cultus, quae sunt "jumenta et oves." Quod omnia illa bona et vera cultus erunt ex Verbo, significatur per quod sint "equorum, rhedarum, corporum, et animae hominum;" haec est series rerum in Sensu spirituali in hoc versu. Sed per omnia illa quae in hoc versu enumerata sunt, intelligitur similiter ut per illa quae in praecedente versu enumerata sunt, hoc est, quod illa bona et vera apud illos non sint, quia non habent talia apud se quae illis correspondent; quod patet ab illis quae praecedunt, ubi haec, quod urbs Babylon igne comburetur, et nemo merces ejus emet amplius (vers. 8-11); et ex illis quae sequuntur, ubi haec, quod omnia pinguia et splendida abiverint ab illa, et non invenientur amplius (vers. 14); et quod devastata sint (vers. 16, 19). Sed nunc dicetur aliquid de illis quae nominata sunt, quae sunt cinnamomum, suffimenta, pigmentum et thus. Haec nominantur, quia sunt talia per quae suffitus fiebant. Quod per "suffitus" significetur cultus Domini ex bonis et veris spiritualibus, videatur supra (277, 392); et quod suffitus placerent quia erant ex fragrantibus quae correspondebant (394). Omnia fragrantia per quae parabatur, intelliguntur per cinnamomum, suffimenta et pigmentum, et essentiale eorum per thus; hoc patet a recensione aromatum ex quibus conficiebatur, apud Mosen:

"Dixit Jehovah ad Mosen, Sume tibi aromata, stacten, onychen et galbanum, et thus purum; et facies illa suffimentum, pigmentum, opus pigmentarii, salitum, purum, sanctum," (Exodus 30:34-37);

ex illis fiebant suffitus, per quos significabatur cultus ex bonis et veris spiritualibus, ut dictum est. Nominatur hic cinnamomum loco omnium aromatum ibi. Quid autem singula illa aromata in Sensu spirituali significant, videri potest in Arcanis Caelestibus super Exodo, ubi illa singillatim explicata sunt.

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