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《揭秘启示录》 第390节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 390

390. And I saw the seven angels who stood before God. (8:2) This symbolizes the entire spiritual heaven in the Lord's presence, hearing and doing whatever He commanded.

The seven angels symbolize the whole of heaven because the number seven means, symbolically, all people or all things, and thus the whole or entirety (no. 10), and angels in the highest sense symbolize the Lord, and in a relative sense, heaven (nos. 5, 65, 342, 344) - here the spiritual heaven, as can be seen from what we said above in nos. 387, 388. To be shown that standing before God means, symbolically, to hear and do what He commands, see no. 366 above.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 390

390. [verse 2] 'And I saw the seven angels who stood before God' signifies the entire spiritual heaven in the presence of the Lord, hearing and doing the things He commands. By 'the seven angels' the entire heaven is signified, because by 'seven' is signified all or all things, and consequently the whole and the entire (10); and by 'angel' in the highest sense the Lord is signified, and in a relative sense heaven (5, 66, 342, 344), here the spiritual heaven as can be established from the things said above (387-388). That 'to stand before God' signifies to hear and do the things He commands may be seen above (366).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 390

390. Verse 2. And I saw the seven angels who stood before God, signifies the entire spiritual heaven in the presence of the Lord, hearing and doing what He commands. By "seven angels" is signified the entire heaven, because "seven" signifies all, or all things, thence the whole and entire, (10); and by "angels," in the highest sense, is signified the Lord, and, in a relative sense, heaven, (5, 65, 342, 344); here, the spiritual heaven, as may appear from what was said above, (387, 388). That "to stand before God" signifies to hear and do what He commands, see above, (366).

Apocalypsis Revelata 390 (original Latin 1766)

390. (Vere. 2.) "Et vidi septem Angelos qui coram Deo steterunt," significat universum Caelum spirituale in praesentia Domini, audiens et faciens quae praeciperet. Quod per "septem Angelos" significetur universum Caelum, est quia per "septem" significantur omnes seu omnia, et inde totum et universum (10); ac per "Angelos" in supremo Sensu Dominus, et in sensu respectivo Caelum (5, 65, 342, 344), 1hic Caelum spirituale, ut constare potest ex supra dictis (387, 388); quod "stare coram Deo" significet audire et facere quae praecipit, videatur supra (366).


1. 65 pro "66"

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