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属天的奥秘 第943节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]943. There are some for whom sensory pleasure was their sole aim during bodily life. The only thing they loved was indulging in luxury and living on delicacies and rich food. They focused entirely on themselves and the material world, considered divine things worthless, and lacked faith and charity. After death they are at first brought into the same kind of life they had in the world. There is a place out in front, to the left, and down a little, which offers unending fun, games, dancing, feasting, and conversation. This is where they go, and while there they are completely unaware that they are not in the world.
But the scene changes. In a little while they descend into a hell below the buttocks, a hell of mere excrement. The kind of pleasure just described, which belongs strictly to the body, turns into excrement in the other life. I have seen people there carting dung and complaining bitterly.

Potts(1905-1910) 943

943. Those who in the life of the body have made mere pleasures their end and aim, loving merely to indulge their natural propensities, and to live in luxury and festivity, caring only for themselves and the world, without any regard to things Divine, and who are devoid of faith and charity, are after death first introduced into a life similar to that which they had in the world. There is a place in front toward the left, at a considerable depth, where all is pleasure, sports, dancing, feasting, and chatting together. Hither such spirits are conveyed, and then they know no otherwise than that they are still in the world. After a short time however the scene is changed, and then they are carried down to a hell beneath the buttocks which is merely excrementitious; for in the other life such exclusively corporeal pleasure is turned into what is excrementitious. I have seen them there carrying dung and bemoaning their lot.

Elliott(1983-1999) 943

943. People who during their lifetime have been intent on the pursuit of mere pleasures, whose sole desire has been to gratify themselves and to live grandly and sumptuously, paying attention only to themselves and the world, and supposing Divine things to be of no account - people who have been devoid of faith and charity - are first introduced after death to a life similar to the life that was theirs in the world. There is a place out in front on the left and quite deep down where it is all pleasure, games, dancing, dining, and chat. Here such persons are brought, and at that time they are not conscious of being anywhere different from when they were in the world. But the scene changes. After a while they are brought down into a hell beneath the buttocks which is sheer excrement, for the kind of pleasure that is purely physical is converted in the next life into excrement. I have seen them in that place carrying excreta around and moaning about their condition.

Latin(1748-1756) 943

943. Qui in vita corporis pro fine habuerunt meras voluptates, et solum amarunt indulgere genio, et vivere in lautitiis et opiparis, sibi solis et mundo studentes, Divina pro nihilo reputantes, absque fide et charitate, post mortem in vitam similem ei quam habuerunt in mundo, primum introducuntur; est locus antrorsum ad sinistrum, aliquantum profunde; ubi nihil nisi quam voluptates, ludi, saltationes, (x)comessationes, confabulationes; illuc feruntur tales, et tunc non aliter sciunt quam quod in mundo sint: sed scena mutatur; post aliquam moram temporis deferuntur in infernum sub natibus quod est mere excrementitium; nam talis voluptas quae mere corporea est, in excrementitium in altera vita vertitur; vidi ibi portantes stercora, et lamentantes.

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