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属天的奥秘 第815节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]815. Some take so much pleasure in hatred and the revenge it inspires that they are not content simply to kill the body but long to destroy the soul as well, although the Lord redeems the soul. They are lowered though a dark hole toward the bowels of the earth, the depth to which they go being determined by the intensity of their hatred and the vengefulness growing out of it. A dreadful terror and horror then strike them, while they are being held in the grip of their lust for revenge. As that desire grows, they slip even farther down.
Later they are sent to a place beneath Gehenna,{*1} where big, terrifying, round-bellied snakes appear, as lifelike as if they actually existed. They torture the vengeful spirits with their bites, which the spirits experience just as vividly as they do the snakes. Spirits feel these sensations — corresponding as they do to the spirits' lives — as keenly as people living in the body feel bodily sensation.
Meanwhile they live out their dreadful fantasies, wallowing in them for ages, until they no longer know that they were once human. By no other method can the way of life that they acquired from such acts of hatred and revenge be extinguished.

{*1} On the hell called Gehenna in the spiritual world, see 825-826. On Gehenna in the Bible, see note 3 in 374. [LHC, RS]

Potts(1905-1910) 815

815. They who so delight in hatred and the consequent revenge that they are not content to kill the body only, but desire to destroy the soul, which yet the Lord has redeemed, are sent down through a very dark opening toward the lowest parts of the earth, to a depth proportionate to the degree of their hatred and vindictiveness; and there they are struck with grievous terror and horror, and at the same time are kept in the lust for revenge; and as this increases they are sent down to lower depths. Afterwards they are sent into a place beneath Gehenna, where great and dreadful thick-bellied serpents appear (so vividly that it is just as if they were real), by whose bites they are tormented, feeling them acutely. Such things are keenly felt by spirits, answering to their life just as things of the body do to the life of those who are in the body. Meanwhile they live in direful phantasies for ages, until they no longer know that they have been men. Their life, which they have derived from such hatreds and revenges, cannot otherwise be extinguished.

Elliott(1983-1999) 815

815. As for those who delight in hating and consequently in getting revenge to such an extent that they are not satisfied with destroying the body, but also desire to destroy the soul, which however the Lord has redeemed, they are sent down by way of a most gloomy hollow towards the lowest parts of the earth, to a depth that accords with the degree of their hatred and consequent desire for revenge. They are there stricken with great terror and horror, and at the same time they are held in their desire for revenge; and as this increases they are sent down further still. Subsequently they are sent to a place beneath Gehenna where large and dreadful snakes with big fat bellies are seen, as vivid as if they were real, by whose bites they are afflicted, which they feel intensely. Such things are felt keenly by spirits, for such things answer to their lives in the way that bodily things answer to the lives of people who are dwelling in the body. During this time they live with dreadful delusions, which continue with them for ages, till at length they no longer know that they have been human beings. Their life, which they have acquired from such hatred and desire for revenge, can be eliminated in no other way.

Latin(1748-1756) 815

815. Qui ita delectantur odiis et inde vindictis ut non solum non contenti sint perdere corpus, sed etiam cupiunt animam quam tamen Dominus redemit; demittuntur deorsum per tenebrosissimum foramen versus infima terrae, profunde secundum gradum odii et inde vindictae; et iis tunc terror et horror incutitur gravis, et simul tenentur in vindictae cupidine, quae sicut augetur profundius demittuntur: postea mittuntur in locum sub Gehenna, ubi serpentes diri, magni, ventribus ampli, apparent, et quidem ita ad vivum sicut prorsus forent, a quibus cruciantur morsibus, quos quoque similiter acute sentiunt: talia sentiuntur exquisite a spiritibus; respondent eorum vitae, sicut corporea illis qui in corpore: et interea vivunt in diris phantasiis, et ibi per saecula, usque dum non amplius sciant quod homines fuerint; aliter eorum vita, quam ex odiis et vindictis talibus traxerant, non exstingui potest.

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