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属天的奥秘 第6934节


  6934.每个人都是自己的邻舍,人应该先照顾好自己这句俗话要以这样的方式来理解:每个人必须先给自己提供生活必需品,如食物、衣服和住处,以及他所在的社区生活所需要的其它许多事物。他必须提供这些东西,不仅为自己,也为他的家人;不仅为当下,也为将来。除非每个人为自己获取生活必需品,否则 ,他没有条件向邻舍实施仁爱,因为他自己尚缺乏一切。

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Potts(1905-1910) 6934

6934. The saying that everyone is neighbor to himself, and that he must take care of himself first of all, is to be understood in this way. Everyone must make provision for himself so as to have the necessities of life, as food, clothing, a place to dwell in, and other things which are necessarily required in the civil life where he is; and this not only for himself, but also for his family; and not only for the present time, but also for the future. Unless each person procures for himself the necessities of life, he cannot be in a state to exercise charity toward the neighbor, for he is in need of all things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6934

6934. This commonly stated idea that everyone is a neighbour to himself and has to look after himself first should be understood in the following way. Everyone must first provide himself with the necessities of life - with food, clothing, accommodation, and many other things which he needs for life in the local community where he is. He must provide them not only for himself but also for his dependents; and not only for the present but for the future also. Unless everyone acquires the necessities of life for himself he is in no condition to exercise charity towards the neighbour, since he himself is in want of everything.

Latin(1748-1756) 6934

6934. Hoc quod quisque {1}sibi proximus sit et sibi primum consulet, intelligendum ita est: quisque primum sibi prospiciet ut habeat necessitates vitae, ut nempe victum, ut amictum, ut habitationem, et plura quae in vita civili ubi est necessario requiruntur; et hoc non modo pro se sed etiam pro suis; nec modo pro tempore praesenti sed etiam pro venturo; nisi quisque {2} sibi comparat necessitates vitae, non esse potest in statu exercendi charitatem erga proximum, in omnium enim egestate est. @1 sibimet$ @2 i primum$

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