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属天的奥秘 第6201节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6201

6201. The thought appeared in this way among the spirits when I was a little withdrawn from the things of sense. But when the thought was in the things of sense, no such undulating sphere appeared; but it was all material, and not unlike external sight. In this case the man is said to think in the sensuous. But when he thinks interiorly, he is said to be withdrawn from the things of sense. That man can be withdrawn from things of sense was known to the ancients, and therefore also some of them have written about this state. They who think in things of sense are called sensuous, and the like spirits are adjoined to them. Such spirits scarcely apprehend more things with a man than those which come down to his sensation; for they are more gross than all other spirits. It has been observed that when a man is in what is sensuous, and is not elevated therefrom, he thinks of nothing else than what is of the body and of the world, and is not then desirous to know anything about what belongs to eternal life, and is even averse to hearing of that life. [2] That I might know that this is the case, I have sometimes been let down into what is sensuous, and then such things instantly presented themselves, and then also the spirits who were in that grosser sphere poured in base and scandalous things; but as soon as I was withdrawn from what is sensuous, such things were dissipated. In sensuous life are many who indulge in the pleasures of the body, and also those who have altogether rejected thought beyond what they see and hear, and especially those who have rejected thought about eternal life. Wherefore such persons make light of all such things; and when they hear of them, they loathe them. Spirits of this kind abound in the other life at the present day, for troops of them come from the world; and the influx from them prompts man to indulge his natural inclination, and to live for himself and the world, but not for others except insofar as they favor him and his pleasures. In order for a man to be uplifted from these spirits, he must think about eternal life.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6201

6201. This was how my thought was seen by spirits when I had been raised a little way above the level of the senses. But when my thought took place on the latter level no such wave-like motion was seen; instead something entirely material appeared there, not unlike an object seen with the physical eyes. This is called thinking on the sensory level; but when thought takes place on a more internal level it is referred to as being raised above the level of the senses. The ancients were well acquainted with the idea that a person can be raised above the sensory level, and therefore some of them also wrote about that condition. People whose thought takes place on the lower level are called sensory-minded, and spirits of a similar nature are attached to them. These spirits take hold of little more from a person than what enters his own awareness too; for they are more unrefined than all other spirits. I have also noticed that when a person is on the sensory level and has not been raised above it his thought is confined to what is of a bodily and worldly nature. He has no wish to know about things that belong to eternal life; indeed he refuses to listen to anything about it.

[2] To enable me to know the nature of all this I have been brought down frequently to that sensory level, when the things described have occurred instantly. At the same time spirits in that more unrefined sphere have poured in foul and offensive ideas. But as soon as I was raised above the sensory level such ideas were dispelled. The life of the majority of people who surrender themselves to physical pleasures is on that sensory level, and so is the life of those who have utterly refused to contemplate the existence of anything beyond what they can see and hear, in particular those who have refused to think about eternal life. For that reason people of this kind revile such higher things and are nauseated when they hear them mentioned. At the present day large numbers of spirits like this exist in the next life, for bands of them enter it from the world. Also when they flow into a person they prompt him to indulge his natural inclination to lead a selfish and worldly life, not a life for others except insofar as they countenance him and his selfish desires. To be raised up above these spirits a person must entertain thoughts of eternal life.

Latin(1748-1756) 6201

6201. Ita apparuit cogitatio apud spiritus cum paulo subductus fui a sensualibus; cum autem cogitatio fuit in sensualibus, tunc tale undans non apparuit sed erat materiale omne et non absimile visuali externo; hoc dicitur in sensuali cogitare; at cum interius cogitatur, dicitur subduci a sensualibus; quod homo subduci queat a sensualibus, antiquis notum fuit, quare etiam de illo statu aliqui eorum scripserunt; illi qui in illa cogitatione sunt, vocantur sensuales, ac illis adjuncti sunt spiritus similes; hi spiritus vix plura capiunt apud hominem quam quae etiam ad hominis sensationem perveniunt, nam sunt crassiores reliquis. Observatum est quod cum homo in sensuali est et non inde elevatus, non (x)cogitet aliud quam quod corporis et mundi est, et quod nunc nihil scire velit de illis quae sunt vitae aeternae, immo quod aversetur audire de illa. [2]Ut scirem quod res ita se habeat, aliquoties in sensuale demissus fui, et ilico tunc obvenerunt talia; et quoque tunc spiritus qui in crassiore illa sphaera, infuderunt turpia et scandalosa; sed ut primum a sensuali subductus sum, talia dissipabantur. In sensuali vita sunt plerique qui voluptatibus corporeis indulgent, tum qui prorsus rejecerunt cogitare ultra quam vident et audiunt, et magis qui rejecerunt cogitare de vita aeterna; quapropter tales haec et illa vilipendunt, et cum audiunt talia nauseant. Hodie in altera vita abundant tales spiritus, veniunt enim ex orbe turmae eorum, et influxus ab illis apud hominem est ut indulgeat genio, et vivat sibi et mundo, non autem aliis nisi quantum illi sibi et suis voluptatibus favent. Ut homo ab illis elevetur, cogitabit de vita aeterna.

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