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属天的奥秘 第4413节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4413

4413. That the light of heaven has within it intelligence and wisdom, and that it is the intelligence of truth and the wisdom of good from the Lord that appear as light before the eyes of the angels, it has been given me to know by a living experience. I was taken up into a light that sparkled like the light radiating from diamonds; and while I was kept in it, I seemed to myself to be withdrawn from bodily ideas and to be brought into spiritual ideas, thus into those things which belong to the intelligence of truth and of good. The ideas of thought which originated from the light of the world then appeared to be remote from me, and as it were not belonging to me, although they were present obscurely; and by this it was given me to know that insofar as anyone comes into the light of heaven, so far he comes into intelligence. It is for this reason that the more intelligent the angels are, the greater and the brighter is the light in which they are.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4413

4413. The fact that the light of heaven holds intelligence and wisdom within it, and the Lord's gift of intelligence, which essentially is truth, and of wisdom, which essentially is good, are seen by angels' eyes as light, I have been given to know through actual experience. I was raised up into light which was flashing like the sparkling light of diamonds. While I was kept in this light it seemed to me that I was taken away from bodily ideas to spiritual ones, and so to matters belonging to an intelligent understanding of what was true and good. Ideas present in my thinking which had been formed in the light of the world seemed at that time to have been removed from me and so to speak no longer belonged to me, although they were vaguely present. From this I was given to know that insofar as a person enters the light of heaven he enters intelligence. This explains why the more intelligent the angels are, the greater and brighter is the light in which they dwell.

Latin(1748-1756) 4413

4413. Quod lux caeli in se habeat intelligentiam et sapientiam et quod sit intelligentia veri et sapientia boni a Domino, quae coram oculis angelorum ut {1} lux apparet, per vivam experientiam mihi scire datum est; elevatus sum in lucem quae scintillabat sicut lux radiosa ex adamantibus; in qua cum tenerer, visus sum mihi abduci ab ideis corporeis ac induci in ideas spirituales ac ita in illa quae sunt intelligentiae veri et boni; ideae cogitationis quae a luce mundi suam originem traxerunt, apparebant tunc a me remotae et quasi ad me non pertinentes, tametsi obscure aderant: inde nosse datum, quod quantum homo in lucem illam venit, tantum in intelligentiam: inde est quod [quo] intelligentiores angeli sunt, eo in majore et illustriore luce sint {2}. @1 i in caelis$ @2 i inde etiam vocantur lucis angeli$

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