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属天的奥秘 第3485节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3485

3485. The representations that come forth in the other life are appearances, but living ones, because they are from the light of life. The light of life is the Divine wisdom, which is from the Lord alone. Hence all things that come forth from this light are real; and are not like those things that come forth from the light of the world. Wherefore they who are in the other life have sometimes said that the things they see there are real things, and the things which man sees are in comparison not real; because the former things live, and thus immediately affect their life, while the latter things do not live, thus do not immediately affect the life, except insofar and in such a manner as the things in their minds which are of this world's light conjoin themselves fitly and correspondently with the things of the light of heaven. From all this it is now evident what representations are, and what correspondences.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3485

3485. The representations that occur in the next life are appearances. But they are living representations because they come from the light of life. The light of life is Divine Wisdom, which is received from the Lord alone. Consequently all things that come into being from that light, unlike those from the light of the world, are real. For this reason people in the next life have said several times that the things they behold in that world are real, whereas those that man beholds are by contrast not real. The reason for this is that the former are living and so have a direct influence on their life, whereas the latter are not living and so have no direct influence on their life, except insofar as things with them belonging to the light of the world join themselves appropriately and by correspondence to those belonging to the light of heaven. From all these considerations it now becomes clear what representations are and what correspondences are.

Latin(1748-1756) 3485

3485. Repraesentationes quae in altera vita existunt, sunt apparentiae, sed vivae, quia a luce vitae sunt; lux vitae est Divina Sapientia, quae a solo Domino; inde omnia quae a luce illa existunt, sunt realia, non sicut illa quae a luce mundi; quapropter illi qui in altera vita sunt, aliquoties dixerunt quod quae ibi vident, sint realia, (c)et quae homo videt, respective non realia, quia illa vivunt et sic immediate afficiunt {1}vitam eorum, haec autem non vivunt, ita nec immediate afficiunt vitam, nisi qualiter et quantum apud eos illa quae lucis mundi sunt, se conjungunt adaequate et correspondenter cum illis quae lucis caeli sunt: inde nunc constare potest quid {2}repraesentationes et quid correspondentiae. @1 i ipsam$ @2 repraesentativa$

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