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属天的奥秘 第3213节




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Potts(1905-1910) 3213

3213. CONTINUATION CONCERNING REPRESENTATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCES. In the world of spirits there come forth innumerable and almost continual representatives, which are forms of actual things spiritual and celestial, not unlike those which are in the world. Whence these come it has been granted to me to know by daily interaction with spirits and angels. They inflow from heaven, and from the ideas and speech of the angels there; for the ideas of angels and their derivative speech, when they come down to spirits, are exhibited representatively in various ways. From these representations upright and well-disposed spirits are enabled to know what the angels are saying among themselves, for inwardly within the representatives there is something angelic, which, in consequence of its power to excite affection, is perceived even as to its quality. Angelic ideas and speech cannot be exhibited before spirits in any other way; for as compared with the idea of a spirit an angelic idea contains things illimitable; and unless it were formed and exhibited representatively, and thus visibly by images, a spirit would scarcely understand anything of its contents, which are for the most part unutterable. But when the ideas are represented by forms, then insofar as the more general things are concerned they become comprehensible to spirits. And wonderful to say there is not even the smallest thing in that which is represented which does not express something spiritual and celestial that is in the idea of the angelic society from which the representative flows down.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3213


In the world of spirits countless representatives manifest themselves almost constantly. They are visible forms of spiritual and celestial things, not unlike the forms that occur in the world. The origin of them I have been given to know through daily association with spirits and angels. Representatives in the world of spirits flow in from heaven, and from the ideas and the discussions of the angels there. Indeed when angels' ideas and their discussions resulting from those ideas come down to spirits, they present themselves in a variety of ways as representatives. Upright spirits are able to know from those representatives what angels are discussing with one another, for inwardly representatives have within them that which comes from angels, and since this stirs the affections of those spirits, it is perceived even as to the essential nature of it. Angels' ideas and discussions cannot present themselves to spirits in any other way, for an idea existing with an angel contains immeasurably more than an idea existing with a spirit, and unless it were given visible form and presented itself in a representative way, and so visually by means of images, a spirit would understand hardly anything whatever of those things. For such things are for the most part inconceivable. But when they are represented by means of visible forms they are rendered such that spirits are able to comprehend some fairly general aspects. This is a marvel, for not even the smallest detail of the things that are represented fails to express something spiritual or celestial present in an idea existing with the angelic community from which the representative flows down.

Latin(1748-1756) 3213

3213. Continuatio de Repraesentationibus et Correspondentiis

In mundo spirituum innumerabilia et paene continua existunt repraesentativa, quae sunt rerum spiritualium et caelestium formae, non absimiles illis quae in mundo: unde illa, ex diuturno cum spiritibus et {1}angelis commercio scire datum; influunt e caelo, et ex angelorum ibi ideis et loquelis; angelorum enim ideae ac inde loquelae, cum delabuntur ad spiritus, sistuntur repraesentative diversimode; spiritus probi ex illis scire possunt quid angeli inter se loquuntur, nam intus in repraesentativis est angelicum, quod quia afficiens est, percipitur, etiam quoad quale. Angelicae ideae et loquelae non aliter possunt sisti coram spiritibus, nam idea angelica indefinita continet prae idea spiritus, quae nisi formaretur ac sisteretur repraesentative, et sic visualiter per imagines, spiritus (t)illa vix quicquam intelligeret, nam pleraque sunt ineffabilia; at cum repraesentantur per formas, tunc fiunt {2}spiritibus comprehensibilia quoad communiora; et quod mirabile, in illis quae repraesentantur, ne quidem minimum est quod non exprimit aliquid spirituale et caeleste quod est in idea angelicae societatis, e qua repraesentativum defluit. @1 i cum$ @2 illis$

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