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属天的奥秘 第3000节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3000

3000. Hence it is that all things in the universe both in general and in particular represent the Lord's kingdom; insomuch that the universe with all its constellations, atmospheres, and three kingdoms, is nothing else than a kind of theater representative of the Lord's glory which is in the heavens. In the animal kingdom not only man, but also each particular animal, even the least and lowest, is representative; as for instance the little creatures that creep on the ground and feed on plants; these, when their time for wedding is at hand, become chrysalises, and presently, being supplied with wings they soar from the ground into the atmosphere, their heaven, and there enjoy their delight and their freedom, sporting together and feeding on the spoils of the flowers, laying their eggs and thus providing for a posterity; and being then in their state of heaven, they are also in their beauty. Everyone can see that these things are representative of the Lord's kingdom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3000

3000. Consequently each and all things in the universe represent the Lord's kingdom, so much so that the universe with all its constellations, its various atmospheres, and its three kingdoms is nothing else than a kind of stage on which the Lord's glory as it exists in heaven is represented. In the animal kingdom not only man but also each living creature, even the smallest and meanest of them, is representative, such as the caterpillars. These crawl on the ground and feed on plants, and when the time to mate is at hand they become chrysalises. Soon after that they are furnished with wings, with which they are raised up from the ground into the air, which is their heaven. There they enjoy freedom of movement as they sport together, obtain nourishment from the best parts of the flowers, lay their eggs, and so produce a future generation. At this time they attain that state which is their particular heaven and also their beauty. That these things are representative of the Lord's kingdom anyone may see.

Latin(1748-1756) 3000

3000. Inde est quod omnia et singula quae in universo sunt, repraesentent regnum Domini, usque adeo ut universum cum suis {1}sideribus, suis atmosphaeris, suis tribus regnis, nihil aliud sit quam quoddam theatrum repraesentativum gloriae Domini quae in caelis: in regno animali non solum homo, sed etiam singula animalia, quoad minima et vilissima illorum, repraesentant; sicut vermiculi qui humi repunt, et vescuntur oleribus, cum tempus illorum nuptiarum instat, quod tunc fiant chrysallides, et mox instruantur alis, et sic attollantur ab humo in atmosphaeram, suum caelum, et ibi fruantur suo gaudio, et suo libero, ludentes inter se, et ex florum opimis victum habentes, ponentes ova, et sic consulentes posteritati; et qui tunc in sui caeli statu sunt, etiam in pulchritudine sua sunt; quod haec repraesentativa sint regni Domini, quisque videre potest. @1 A had caelis but d and i sideribus$

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