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属天的奥秘 第10752节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10752

10752. The preacher who was with me did not at all believe that there are other earths besides our own, for the reason that in the world he had thought that the Lord was born on this earth only, and that without the Lord there is no salvation. He was therefore reduced into a state similar to that of these spirits when they appear in their own earth as men (of which just above), and in this state he was let into that earth, so that he not only saw it but also spoke with the inhabitants there. When this was done, communication was given me also in the same way, so that I too saw the inhabitants, and also some things upon that earth. Spirits and angels can speak with men of any language; because their thought falls into the ideas of the men, and thus into the words of their speech.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10752

10752. The preacher who was with me had no belief at all in the existence of planets other than our own, because in the world he had thought that the Lord was born solely on this planet and that without the Lord there was no salvation. He was therefore brought into a state like the one spirits enter when they appear on their planet as people - the one described above - and was then sent to that planet, not only to see it but also to talk to the inhabitants there. When this had been done, communication from there was granted to me as well in order that I might in a similar way behold those inhabitants and also some things on that planet. Spirits and angels can talk to people, whatever language they speak, because their thought passes into the ideas in people's minds and so into the words they speak.

Latin(1748-1756) 10752

10752. Praedicator qui mecum erat prorsus non credebat quod aliae tellures darentur quam nostra, ex causa quia {1}cogitaverat in mundo quod Dominus solum in hac tellure natus sit, et absque Domino nulla salus; quapropter redactus est in similem statum in {2}quem spiritus quando apparent in tellure sua sicut homines, de quo mox supra, et sic missus in tellurem illam, ut non modo videret eam, sed etiam loqueretur cum incolis ibi; quo facto, dabatur etiam communicatio inde mecum, ut similiter viderem incolas, et quoque aliqua super tellure illa. Spiritus et angeli loqui possunt cum hominibus cujuscumque linguae, cadit enim cogitatio eorum in ideas hominum, et sic in voces loquelae {3}eorum. @1 cogitavit$ @2 quo sunt$ @3 d eorum i hominum$

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